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The Sovereign Man - Blueprint
Learn How to Create More Freedom in Your Life,
Get a Second Passport, Save a Fortune in Taxes & More
And Learn How To:
- Put an iron-lock on your savings...
- Escape the Lockdowns...
- And take back control of your freedom, money and dignity.
“You! Bad! ATONE!”
Sound familiar?
There’s a new religion in town, and it’s probably wagging its finger at you.
It claims that you were born with some kind of original sin — a stain that must be PURGED. You must fumigate your very DNA.
And once you’re done with that one, you must scrub out yet another awful aspect of your very existence.
To atone, you must obey your Dear Leaders — unelected health officials, unelected protest groups, Twitter, your governor — and Take Your Punishment.
(A famous news personality in the US calls it, “Shut up and Obey.”)
In this new religion of Wokeness:
- “Humans” are bad and put others at risk by… existing (inducing climate change, spreading disease, etc.).
Those who question any part of the prevailing narrative — the conflicting data, the masks, the lockdowns, the rushed vaccines — must be mocked as anti-(insert insult) - Capitalism is bad. (Fascist!) So we must destroy it and replace it with collectivism
- No, really: Capitalism is super, duper bad. So we’ll let a group led by “trained Marxists” rake in tens of millions of dollars in donations — and require ZERO financial transparency from them — because if the money goes to communists, it’s not capitalism
- Men are bad. Because they’re not women. They must be neutered
- People who want to make their own choices — i.e., have some dignity and be treated as adults — are bad… so we must control them, and everyone else, in the name of safety
- Protests that cry out for the economy to open up are bad… but riots are good… so we’ll punish those evil capitalists trying to feed their kids but call the violence “mostly peaceful”
- People who wish to be left alone are bad… so they will be tracked
- Not wanting to be tracked is bad… even though a few years ago, we were outraged when Edward Snowden revealed we were being tracked… so instead we’ll change the wording to “contact tracing” and feel proud to participate
- Critical thinking is bad… Anyone who doesn’t cleave to the Leftist narrative — even Leftists who question any part of it — will be shunned and shamed (big in cults)
- The police are bad… but the Thought Police are good!… so cops as a whole are attacked and Thought Policers are applauded (again, big in cults)
- Whites are bad (especially if they don’t think they are)… so now we must have violence and reparations…
- The American Founders were bad (i.e. not perfect)… so they must be canceled
- America itself is bad… so we must, in the words of Barack Obama “fundamentally transform [it]”
We just… accept this good/bad/punishment narrative without question. We reluctantly participate in the crazy by passively taking in the messaging, using the approved words, and following the rules about where to stand, what to wear, how to live.
And with that, we allow the destruction of lives, businesses, the economy, and the fabric of society itself.
The worst part is that the energy spent on all of the above… WASTES OUR TIME and our precious, short lives. It creates discord, suspicion, and resentment.
This new chaos is a religion, folks, and a bad one at that. (“Burn the witch!”)
It distracts us from living the good, great life each of us has the ability to create. And it distracts us from creating REAL value — for ourselves and for each other.
What if you want out of this zero-sum game? Can you escape it — and its dire consequences? Or are you stuck?
You’re not stuck.
You don’t have to play the part assigned to you — victim or perpetrator, innocent or evildoer.
And you don’t have to shut up and obey.
In fact, the time to take action to protect yourself from this chaos… was yesterday.
Especially because:
It’s Not Hard to Predict Where This Chaos Could Lead… (Cue the Bolsheviks)
The actions that far too many of our so-called leaders are taking right now have nothing to do with safety, or even making a good society.
For example, if a 100% safe life were truly the goal, they’d ban driving, sex, and ice cream.
Instead, many current ideas — like arbitrarily deciding who’s “essential”, or who must kneel to the Social Justice gods for forgiveness, or what to wear, when — has to do with control, forced submission, and, at times, humiliation.
It creates chaos and turns people into sheeple.
Look, I’m not here to say there’s no virus, or no societal issues to address.
And I’m not here to say that precautions and reasonable actions shouldn’t be taken, within reason.
I AM here to say that we are being treated like sinning children, baited into fighting, whipped into a frenzy, and ordered to follow arbitrary rules with no goal or end in sight.
(It’s quite likely that mandatory masks are here to stay, just like airport security post 9/11.)
Furthermore, I argue that the actions being taken on a societal level are not leading to prosperity.
The lockdowns, the riots, the random attacks… all are leading to more and more discord — bankruptcies, suicides, lawsuits…
And they’re leading to more and more rules that enforce equality of outcome (Communism) over equality of opportunity.
This is likely to get worse before it ever gets better.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but:
Your savings are in danger. So is your retirement. And so are your freedoms.
Chaos leads to power grabs. It always has.
The Bolsheviks are coming, and they want — need — your money.
Bolsheviks don’t ask for power. They seize it. And they do so by first creating pandemonium and rage.
Everywhere we turn, a group or an individual who dares not fall in line is being scorned, boycotted, humiliated and threatened. Fear of the Left is now the biggest driver behind much of what happens at the societal level.
If you’re not Woke, you’ll go Broke, could be the slogan.
That’s why Corporate America — with few exceptions — is falling in line with the good/evil narrative, the religion of woke, if you will.
You’d expect to see the scrambling for “Most Woke” in the fashion, news, entertainment, and sports industries. They’re full of silly people who don’t see their jobs as worthy of respect, so they cloak themselves in activism. Fine.
But then Jamie Dimon — Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase and one of the most respected businessmen of all time — comes along and says eliminating “shareholder capitalism” might be a good idea.
Really? Then whose property is a business, then, if not the shareholders’?
The “community’s”?
This kind of talk is straight out of a Bolshevik’s playbook — Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden all embrace it.
(Additionally, Biden’s running mate, Kamala Harris, has supported civil asset forfeiture — encouraging prosecutors to seize assets before initiating criminal proceedings.)
None of this is what one would expect from a capitalist thought leader.
These ideas are not productive.
They do NOT lead to widespread prosperity.
And they’re only going to get worse as the Bolsheviks ride in.
We Predicted This
We at Sovereign Man saw this coming years ago…
Of course, we didn’t foresee the virus itself, or the response to it, or even the abrupt race wars, but we have been warning about a sudden catalyst that would lead to:
- A gold and silver surge. For years, we have suggested readers buy gold as a hedge, as insurance against volatility in the economy.
And we suggested buying silver when it was still very cheap, indicating it would go higher.
Over the past six months, gold prices have soared from $1,471 per ounce to $2,063 per ounce… and silver has more than doubled — from about $12 per ounce to $29 per ounce. - A roller coaster stock market. Readers who diversified out of it as we advised have been able to remain calm… and pick up some excellent bargains
- Higher taxes. After reading our reports, some of our subscribers are only paying 4% in federal taxes now, and many have significantly (and legally, of course) lowered their tax bills
- Government restrictions. Readers who followed our reports on pursuing second residencies or second citizenships have been able to escape the madness and go somewhere more free
- Increased lawsuits. Subscribers who have protected their assets with a firewall are much less vulnerable to ambulance chasers right now.
These are just a few examples of what we’ve predicted, and how the solutions we teach have helped readers.
And yes…everything we have been talking about is happening NOW, but it’s NOT too late to put yourself into a position of strength.
Even though things are likely to get worse before they get better, there’s also a ton of opportunity for smart people with the right knowledge:
That’s why we’ve created
Sovereign Man: Blueprint...
To help you hedge against what’s coming and regain your freedom
- Procure a second residency or second passport… so you always have a place to go.
- Implement strategies that help create a strong fence around your assets… especially your home.
- Diversify out of the dollar, and out of broke, insolvent US banks. That way, you can worry less about losing your hard-earned savings.
- Sock away tens of thousands more per year in special retirement accounts… and lower your taxes while doing so.
These strategies would make sense anytime, anywhere — but especially today, in a post-COVID, pre-Bolshevik world.
People are literally pepper spraying each other and getting into fist fights in stores and parks… over masks. They’re shooting people who drive down the wrong street at the wrong time (during protests). They’re showing up at people’s homes to intimidate them.
Society is becoming completely unglued, and unpredictable.
I’m a West Point grad who served in the United States Armed Forces during war. I’ve traveled to more than 120 countries, and I’ve lived, invested, and own multiple businesses all over the world.
If there’s one lesson I’ve learned, it’s that you always need a Plan B.
Pilots always have one. Military generals have one. Successful investors and business leaders do, too.
At Sovereign Man, we’ve been pounding the table about creating a Plan B for your life, money and assets for a decade.
But now, the crisis is here.
Plan B is now Plan A
It’s go-time. You don’t want to be making critical decisions during an emotional upheaval or an attack on your money.
Which means you don’t just need a plan, you need a gameplan, a step-by-step blueprint… so that you can put your plan together as smoothly as possible.
A blueprint puts all the steps together cohesively. It shows you what the final result will look like, and it shows you what to do when.
For example, it’s one thing to realize that you want to increase your freedom, protect your savings, enhance your retirement, lower your taxes, and take more control over your life and your money.
It’s another thing to know how the heck to go about it.
What do you do first? What are the easier steps? What are the harder ones? Which part of this Plan B thing is the most important one to tackle first?
And which ones can you do from your home, without having to travel? That’s pretty critical these days, especially if you have a worthless US passport.
We have answers, and we’ve folded them into our step-by-step turnkey product… Sovereign Man: Blueprint.
We’ll show you exactly what to do. And you’ll immediately know which solutions you can implement first.
A well-built home owes its craftsmanship to a great, properly devised blueprint. And because the blueprint was well-executed, that well-built house protects you against the elements.
Likewise, a robust, well-crafted Plan B stems directly from an intelligent blueprint. And it, too, helps shield you and your assets against the prevailing winds.
Sovereign Man: Blueprint is our least expensive product… but it’s also our most important one, because it distills our most essential, critical knowledge and strategies.
And during these chaotic times, we want to help as many people as possible take back control.
That’s why we are offering Blueprint, for a very limited time, for just $19… and 61% off our regular price
Try Sovereign Man: Confidential risk-free with our 100% Money Back Guarantee.
As a Sovereign Man: Blueprint subscriber, you’ll learn to:
Protect your savings from the massive risks in the financial system (especially post-COVID)
Millions are unemployed right now. And global debt has hit a staggering $250 TRILLION.
If just 4% of borrowers default, that will wipe out the entire banking system.
This creates HUGE risk for your savings.
But as a Sovereign Man: Blueprint subscriber, you’ll learn how to:
- Cut out (useless) banks completely and store a portion of your savings directly with the US government (without taking huge risks… This is what I am doing with my own money right now)
- Move a portion of your assets abroad and outside of the traditional financial system (where greedy governments will have a harder time stealing it)– such as into collectibles, precious metals stored offshore and real estate
- Own your stocks in a safer way, in your own name (Yes, most of the stocks you think you “own” are actually owned by your broker and not you…)
- Leverage the cheapest way to buy silver (as much as 20% cheaper than what most people are paying)
- Move your precious metals abroad and store them in one of the safest storage facilities on the planet
- Secure your savings using gold and silver– while earning 3.5% interest or more per year (as opposed to the 0.01% you’re likely “making” now)
Once you’re done protecting your money, we’ll show you how to…
Legally slash your taxes and protect yourself from the Bolsheviks...
As Margaret Thatcher famously put it, “The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”
That’s true. In the meantime, though, Socialists tap those ‘other people’ dry.
Make no mistake; higher taxes are coming your way even if you’re not part of the top 1%. That’s why it’s so critical to take steps now to legally lower them.
From a financial perspective, reducing your tax burden is the easiest return on investment you’ll ever make. If you can cut your taxes from 30% to 10%, then you’ve just achieved a risk-free, 20% return on investment.
We’ll teach you:
- How business owners and self-employed professionals can slash their business’ corporate tax to just 4% (and pay NO tax on dividend payments…)
- How Day Traders & Investors can legally cut their capital gains tax rate to 0%
- How location independent individuals can earn upwards of $150,000+ per year, nearly TAX-FREE
- How to take advantage of an overlooked tax incentive that could save you thousands of dollars over the next few years
- And much, much more…
Additionally, we teach you how to turn your retirement account into a major tax saver…
Protect against the mathematical certainty that Social Security will run out of money...
The uncomfortable truth is that in the US, Social Security is massively and terminally underfunded.
Every year, the US government’s Board of Trustees publishes a report on the financial health of Social Security.
In last year’s report they predict that the primary Social Security’s trust fund will be fully depleted by 2034– just 15 years from now.
You’d think this would be considered some kind of national emergency… that politicians would be doing everything they can to fix this and that they would work day and night until they came up with a plan.
But instead they just ignore the problem.
This is NOT a problem exclusive to the United States. Europe is no better off. For example, Greece and Russia have ALREADY had to make adjustments to their pension payouts.
It’s clear as day: Pensions are promises that governments will not be able to keep.
But we’ll show you how to MASTER retirement. You’ll learn:
- How to set up an extraordinary retirement structure that allows you to stash away up to $67,500 in 2020, TAX-FREE, for retirement
- The 4 critical elements of a robust retirement plan.
- How you can invest your retirement savings in compelling, lucrative investments like private equity, cash-producing international real estate, secure lending opportunities, and even venture capital and crypto.
- And much, much more…
Escape the Lockdowns -- Secure a Second Citizenship & Passport or Residency Abroad
Right now, as I write this, if you are a US citizen, you cannot go to most parts of Europe.
You’re banned.
I’m a US citizen, but I have Italian citizenship. If things become truly dire in the US but improve in Europe, I could go there. They’d have to let me in.
And I wouldn’t be limited to Italy, where the virus has been bad and the lockdowns worse.
Instead, I could go to the Netherlands, where life is normal and masks aren’t required as of this writing… or Sweden, which also has remained relatively free.
Both are part of the European Union, and my passport allows me unfettered access to the EU.
You might be thinking that a second passport is only for the rich and famous. But nothing could be further from the truth.
In fact, I acquired my second citizenship before I made my money, when I was just out of the United States Army.
As a Sovereign Man: Blueprint member, you’ll learn how to:
- Get a second passport (potentially for free) that will provide you the lifelong benefit of more options to live, work, invest, travel, and do business around the world
- Obtain foreign citizenship & passport in as little as two years if you are planning on having a baby soon…
- In the meantime, establish legal residency abroad. This can often be a cheaper and faster way to secure your route into another country during a time of crisis
- Use that legal residency as an avenue towards citizenship, if that’s the better path for you
Acquiring legal access to an “escape hatch” might be the single-most life-changing, freedom-creating step you’ll ever take.
Protect Your Assets (Especially Your Home)
Another risk no one is thinking about: Frivolous lawsuits that are about to explode.
During times of chaos and when economies crash, people become more litigious. Happy people generally don’t sue other people, but angry people certainly do.
With over 20 million unemployed already, I expect frivolous lawsuits to explode shortly.
But as a Sovereign Man: Blueprint subscriber, you’ll learn:
- The most iron-clad ways we know of to protect your assets from frivolous lawsuits (like if you have to defend your home)
- How to set up a simple, cost-effective structure that will terrify the lawyers of those frivolous creditors that are trying to come after you and your assets
- Which states in the US (and territories of Canada) offer the most robust asset protection. In a few of them, it’s nearly impossible for someone to take your house
- A powerful (and quirky) technique at your disposal to protect your home if you live somewhere with weak laws
- A “first line of defense” that puts a wall around your assets. For an even taller, more fortified wall, we include an additional, international strategy
- How to pass on 100% of your assets, tax-free, to your family when you pass away, and ensure the government doesn’t receive a penny
None of the solutions we outline is “exotic” or out of reach for most people. They are tried-and-true, solid strategies.
I personally use them. So do my middle-class parents.
You can implement them, too.
What you get inside
Sovereign Man: Blueprint
Today’s urgent problems require nimble, proven solutions.
That’s why we arm you — IMMEDIATELY — with the most comprehensive, powerful blueprint for taking back control that we’ve ever produced.
The moment you subscribe to Blueprint, you’ll receive:
The Sovereign Man Starter Guide
Allow me to brag for a minute, if you will.
The Sovereign Man Starter Guide is, hands down, the best, most comprehensive, most actionable, premium report we have ever released.
We are known for our comprehensive, in-depth guides with super-actionable information.
As amazing as those reports are, the Starter Guide is in a class by itself.
It compiles the best of the best strategies that we’ve developed and taught subscribers over the past decade. It cost us millions of dollars to unearth them and perfect them over that time.
If you’re looking for a turn-key solution to take back control, then the Sovereign Man Starter Guide is it.
Inside the pages of the Sovereign Man Starter Guide, you’ll find immediately actionable solutions, like the ones discussed above.
We’ll tell you EXACTLY how to do the following:
- Protect Your Savings from a Broken System (starting on page 47)
- Use Retirement Accounts to Slash Taxes Now & Enhance Your Golden Years (starting on page 75)
- The most iron-clad ways we know of to protect your assets from frivolous lawsuits (like if you have to defend your home) (starting on page 106)
- Lower Your Tax Burden (starting on page 86)
- And much, much more…
The Starter Guide, quite frankly, might be all you need to truly put yourself in the driver’s seat.
That’s how solid our strategies are.
But we also know that things change — laws change, current events change.
So, to keep you on top of the most current solutions, we’ll send you:
Blueprint Monthly
Blueprint Monthly is our monthly letter, catered especially to our members.
This dispatch delivers the most timely, premium intelligence you need in order to map out and implement your strategic Plan B.
We’ll deepen your education, drilling down on strategies and introducing you to new ones.
And we don’t write our letters months in advance. We tailor them to the exact, current situation happening around us all.
Think of the Monthly Letter as part of your Master’s Degree in taking back control… and in creating order out of chaos.
Let’s face it, if there’s one word to describe 2020, it’s “chaotic.”
In just the first half of the year, we’ve seen:
- a global pandemic
- constantly conflicting information about how deadly the virus is, how it originated, whether masks work, etc.
- the indefensible politicization of the virus
- unelected public health officials dictating how you can spend your day, what you must wear, and where you can go
- brazen, total economic shutdowns that have destroyed businesses… and the lives behind each one of them
- tens of millions of jobs lost
- an alarming uptick in suicides
- intense social unrest and protests
- the meteoric rise of an organization founded by Marxists, infused with millions in donations… and no financial transparency
- demands for Socialism — and even outright Communism — in capitalist nations
- demands for submission — both financial and personal — on a society-wide scale
- the demonization of “the other side” — of virtually any social issue
- TRILLIONS of dollars in new debt, which destroys our children’s futures
- a disturbing, quickly intensifying Cold War between the United States and China… which could lead to outright war
- more and more talk of the US dollar losing its status as the world’s reserve currency, and,
- rules that require you to stay away from others and cloak yourself, even while outside in a state park or open space…
Again — that’s just the first six months of this year!
Ten years ago, did you even know a Socialist?
Fifteen years ago, did it even cross your mind that by the time you retired, Social Security would be OUT OF MONEY? Or that the United States’ national debt would be over $26.5 TRILLION dollars?
Did you predict that China, then a rising frontier market, would now be battling the US for global supremacy? And, according to many onlookers, winning?
It’s time for SOLUTIONS.
Blueprint Monthly will deliver exactly that, straight to your inbox.
Here are some headlines from the most recent issues of Blueprint Monthly:
- Protect Your Personal Assets if Your Business is Facing Bankruptcy (a step-by-step guide; our current letter that’s already making waves)
- Want your kids to be freethinkers? Move here for the best homeschooling laws (June 2020, with global options)
- Five possible economic scenarios for a post-COVID world — with solutions for each (May 2020)
- How to pay an unbelievable 0.06%-1.5% premium for physical silver TODAY (April 2020, when silver prices were insane)
- My take on Corona, the economy, and the one thing to do RIGHT NOW (March 2020)
- Puerto Rico — a little-known backdoor to a Spanish passport (February 2020)
- What is ‘value investing’, and how can you make it part of your Plan B? (January 2020)
- How to develop a strategy for success for 2020 and beyond (December 2020)
- The cannabis industry’s most promising opportunity (November 2019)
- Your Plan B could use this asset protection strategy – NOW (October 2019)
Each month, we’ll cover a different strategy or two in depth.
And yes, you’ll get instant access to all of the previous issues above.
You’ll also notice that your monthly letter will often mention international diversification solutions.
Why? Because we see the ENTIRE WORLD as your toolkit.
And we’ll teach you how to use each and every tool — from giving you updates on derisking your assets and protecting your savings to showing you how to gain residencies and passports abroad.
Each of these solutions gives you more OPTIONS. And more options spells more freedom and more control over your own sovereign life. Period.
Like I said, our letter is tailored to what’s going on in the world… right now.
But the strategies are timeless. That’s why we also give you access to more than 50 previous monthly letters.
Gathering this information yourself could cost you thousands… or even tens of thousands… of dollars.
Over the past 10 years, here at Sovereign Man, we have spent MILLIONS of dollars gathering all of this intelligence from some of the most knowledgeable people around the world.
I personally have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars gaining boots-on-the-ground perspectives on investing overseas.
These aren’t solutions you’ll find with a quick internet search. This isn’t armchair stuff. It’s information gleaned from personal, drilled-down experience and research.
If you were to research and implement the solutions in our Sovereign Man Starter Guide or in Explorer Monthly on your own, it would cost you thousands of dollars out of pocket.
For example, a friend of mine spent nearly $10,000 on passport solutions. It turns out he could have acquired his passport nearly for free, if only he had known about one of our solutions.
Anyone who has visited with a lawyer to discuss estate planning knows how expensive that can be. But armed with some of our ideas, you could do some of it on your own and save on lawyer fees… just by knowing what you want.
As I said, we have spent millions over the past ten years researching our turn-key solutions.
But today you can…
Become a Sovereign Man: Blueprint member for just $19…
Usually we offer Sovereign Man: Blueprint as an annual membership for just $195 per year.
That’s just $0.5 per day. Even at the full price Sovereign Man: Blueprint is a complete no-brainer.
But we want to help even more people turn chaos into opportunity and so for a very limited time, you can join Sovereign Man: Blueprint through a quarterly membership for just $19.
This means your “cost of entry” is over 90% lower than the regular price and even after a year of membership you’ll still save over 60% compared to the regular annual membership.
But keep in mind that we’re offering this enormous discount only for a limited time and will close it down soon.
Try Sovereign Man: Confidential risk-free with our 100% Money Back Guarantee.
You are fully protected by our 30 day no-questions-asked 100% money back guarantee.
If you take advantage of this offer, you’ll be charged $19 today and your Sovereign Man: Blueprint membership will renew automatically every quarter for just $19.
You can cancel the automatic renewal at any time. Simply send us an email to [email protected].
And your membership renewals are also protected by the same 30 day no-questions-asked 100% money back guarantee.
And, of course... you're protected by an
Iron-clad Money Back Guarantee

Look, let’s speak to each other frankly— I want to make sure you get a ton of value out of our products, and we’ve designed them exactly to do that.
I’m only interested in your satisfaction.
But if you’re not satisfied with what you purchased, just shoot us a one-line email to [email protected] within 30 days of purchase and we’ll issue a refund immediately.
You don’t even need to make a phone call. It’s that simple. And that easy.
Integrity is the most important thing to me. And that’s why we have such a strong, iron-clad refund policy.
Try Sovereign Man: Confidential risk-free with our 100% Money Back Guarantee.
You are fully protected by our 30 day no-questions-asked 100% money back guarantee.
If you take advantage of this offer, you’ll be charged $19 today and your Sovereign Man: Blueprint membership will renew automatically every quarter for just $19.
You can cancel the automatic renewal at any time. Simply send us an email to [email protected].
And your membership renewals are also protected by the same 30 day no-questions-asked 100% money back guarantee.
Sovereign Man: Blueprint provides independent research which should not be viewed as investment or tax advice, nor an offer to purchase securities.
Neither this website, nor any content provided by our organization, is intended to provide personal tax or financial advice.
This information is intended to be used and must be used for information purposes only as general guidance and aimed at expanding your thinking. We are not investment or tax advisors, and this should not be considered advice.
It is very important to do your own analysis before making any investment or employing any tax strategy.
You should consider your own personal circumstances and speak with professional advisors, and independently research any information that you wish to rely upon, whether for the purpose of making an investment or tax decision, or otherwise.
No content on the site or in this email constitutes – or should be understood as constituting – a recommendation to enter in any securities transactions or to engage in any of the investment strategies presented here, nor an offer of securities.
Try Sovereign Man: Confidential risk-free with our 100% Money Back Guarantee.