Total Access Is Now Open.
Total Access Is Currently Closed.
Get Access To Exclusive Opportunities, Research On Private Investment Deals, Insider Events, And A Network Of Like-Minded Individuals From Around The World
Total Access includes:
Incredible events exclusively for Total Access members
Like our most recent gathering in Mexico City, featuring the former President of Mexico, and our upcoming events in 2025.
Plus smaller, “boots-on-the-ground” trips all over the world
Like our upcoming trip to El Salvador… and even casual dinners in various cities with James and Peter, only for Total Access members and their guests.
Monthly Video Conferences with Peter and James
Interactive Q&A and lots of discussion, exclusively for Total Access members.
Complimentary access to Schiff Sovereign’s premium investment research (valued at $1,995 per year)
We find deeply undervalued, highly profitable, dividend-paying real asset businesses. Interested in a highly profitable, debt-free gold company that pays a substantial monthly dividend? We'll tell you all about it.
Complimentary access to Schiff Sovereign’s Plan B research (valued at $995 per year)
Top of the line intelligence on second passports, tax planning, asset protection, real estate, residency, and other sharp Plan B strategies.
Private investment opportunities for qualified investors
Including private placements and special access to invest in some of the world's most prominent private companies.
Get direct access to our team for one-on-one calls related to your Plan B
Do you need individual attention to help figure out your own Plan B? Our researchers and analysts are personally available for Total Access members.
Personal introductions to other professionals within our vast network
The professionals and service providers we work with are at the top of their game. And we'll open up our network and make personal introductions on your behalf.
Deep Discounts on just about everything in your Plan B
We've negotiated steep discounts on everything ranging from gold & silver and precious metals storage to asset protection and legal services, rare collectibles, second passports, and more. We even have discounts for health-related service like cutting-edge stem cell treatment. Our members also save a whopping $18,000 to $37,000 from Caribbean-based Citizenship By Investment destinations.
Private content exclusively for Total Access members
There are certain things that we simply do not send out to the public... ever; these are private opportunities that are made available exclusively to our Total Access members. See below for an example.
Dedicated Telegram groups exclusively for Total Access members.
One of the best parts about Total Access is the other members. Our Telegram groups are designed to help facilitate great discussions, the sharing of valuable information, and lasting relationships.
But this is just a sample of what you receive as a Total Access member. More importantly…
We want to be on a first name basis with every single member.
We keep membership in Total Access extremely limited for a reason: we want to be on a first name basis with every single member… to get to know you, your needs, and how we can use our influence and contacts to help.
Total Access members receive our individual attention.
Once you join, you’ll have access to the researchers and analysts on our team to discuss your personal Plan B. Like a concierge consulting team, we’ll learn about your specific goals and offer the right intelligence to help you.
We are not in the business of providing tax or financial advice. But we can help you understand the big picture, the problems, and the solutions, and then make personal introductions to the trusted professionals in our network.
Whatever is within our broad wheelhouse, we will bend over backwards to help.

And because of our network, people actually come to us with incredible opportunities. For example…
Our members were given access to a private Citizenship By Investment opportunity established directly by a country's head of state.
Not long ago, the Head of State of a particular European nation was looking for a small group of foreign investors to raise some money for a troubled business in the country. In exchange, the Head of State offered citizenship (in addition to a compelling investment return) to investors – which was absolutely within their constitutional authority.
Due to the problems that particular company was having, the Head of State did not want to publicly broadcast the deal. So it was very quietly circulated to an extremely select group of people. Only a handful of people in the world even heard of this. And our Total Access members were among the few.
Total Access members save $18,000 to $37,000 on Citizenship By Investment programs in several Caribbean countries.
We negotiate hard to make sure that our members pay the lowest price of anyone in the world for many second passport programs.
Investment opportunities are another part of Total Access.

We’ve made a very strong case for an inflationary future.
The government’s own forecasts show $20 trillion of new debt over the next decade. And those estimates don’t even include the possibility of another recession, pandemic, war, other emergency, or even the looming Social Security bailout that alone will require trillions more.
Most of that money will be conjured out of thin air by the Federal Reserve.
Remember, when the Fed created $5 trillion in new money from 2020-2022, it led to 9% inflation.
So how much inflation will $20 trillion create? Probably more than their magical 2% target.
Therefore, our entire investment ethos is based on what should perform well in an inflationary environment.
To us, the resource sector is an obvious place to start. And our team consistently finds incredibly undervalued, profitable resource businesses that pay dividends to shareholders AND have fabulous growth potential.
You’ll receive new, premium investment research every month diving into the risks and merits of companies that we find extremely compelling.
Here are a few examples:
- A highly profitable gold ore company with a pristine balance sheet and strong 27% revenue growth that pays a hefty dividend EVERY MONTH. And the dividend just increased 16%.
- A debt-free, cash-gushing energy company that pays a double-digit dividend while still investing heavily in future production AND smartly conducting share buybacks when the stock price is undervalued.
- An overlooked oil producer that paid investors a whopping 20% dividend within the first three months after we sent our research to members.
This is just a small sample of what we send to Total Access members.
Total Access members who are qualified investors will also have the opportunity to invest in private placements, including opportunities to invest in some of the most prominent startups in the world.
But where the group really shines is in the other members you will meet.

It’s funny how quickly and easily small children are able to make fast friends with one other. If two five-year olds find themselves on the same playground, it’s like they’re instantly best friends.
But things change as an adult. It becomes a lot harder to meet people that you actually click with— especially if you’re an independent-minded person in today’s crazy world.
It’s even harder to find people who share the same values.
That’s why, over a decade ago (well before Peter and James merged into Schiff Sovereign), Total Access was formed to provide a close-knit network that brings together like-minded people from all walks of life— investors, entrepreneurs, doctors, lawyers, crypto guys, and even a celebrity or two— from all over the world.

It’s a wide range of people, but they have a lot in common; they are all intelligent, independent-minded folks who understand that there’s a lot of risk in the world… but also a lot of opportunity.

We’re extremely proud of the relationships we’ve helped foster among members. Many tell us they feel that they have found their tribe.
And that’s saying something, because it’s not like all our members are social butterflies who are always the life of the party.
Yet still, because of the shared values and unique experiences, they click with each-other instantly.
Our events are really, really special.
Total Access events have been held in several US cities including Miami, Dallas, Austin, San Juan, and Las Vegas to name a few. But the group has also been around the globe to places like Chile, Singapore, Panama, Uzbekistan, and Mexico.
The event headliners are top notch too— recent speakers included the Prime Minister of St. Lucia, Robert Kiyosaki (author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad), Dr. Ron Paul, legendary investor Jim Rogers, Dr. Robert Malone, and many more.

Even the speakers you may not have heard of are a wealth of value. We’ve had extremely well-informed resource investors and fund managers attend Total Access events.
At a recent event we had a maverick investor who is on the ground in Venezuela buying ultra-cheap real estate. We had a doctor who runs a stem cell clinic in Panama and treats many players on the San Francisco 49ers (our members have a big discount on his services as well).
The list goes on and on.

We organize smaller trips, too.
About two dozen members recently traveled to Cuba together on a unique trip curated by well-connected, influential people on the ground.
Our group also recently went to Georgia— as in the country, not the state— where the group met with local prominent entrepreneurs and politicians, then took private helicopters to an exclusive restaurant in a wine region for an incredible meal and a view.

Our group has gone trekking across volcanoes in Costa Rica, and explored the Silk Road in Uzbekistan– right after investing in a lucrative e-commerce startup in Eurasia that has been very successful for members.
These events are really impressive. We take care of every single detail, so all our members have to do is show up. From there, the entire itinerary, from meals and hotels, to transportation between attractions, is already taken care of.
But again, the best part is getting to have these unforgettable once in a lifetime experiences in the company of other Total Access members.

Finally, we also host informal dinners in various cities close to many of our members, places like Dallas, Miami, LA, New York, London, and San Juan.
Limited-time offer
Total Access membership won’t be open again for several months.
We rarely open up new membership, specifically so that we can keep the group small and be on a first-name basis with our members.
How Much Does Total Access Cost?
In addition to all of the exclusive Total Access benefits we’ve discussed, remember that the name rings true– you have total access to everything our organization produces.
- Private Investor — exclusive private placement opportunities (for qualified investors only) valued at $2,995 per year.
- Premium Investment Research, which focuses on profitable, deeply undervalued real asset producers (which are positioned for huge gains in an inflationary environment) valued at $1,995 per year.
- Schiff Sovereign Confidential, our flagship “Plan B” internationalization, asset protection, and tax strategy research service, valued at $995 per year.
Bear in mind that the going rate for most “Mastermind” type groups, or exclusive travel clubs, that are comparable to Total Access is around $30,000 per year these days.
Total Access Costs $9,995 to join for the first year
And then just $2,495 annually after that.

And, of course... you're protected by an
Iron-clad Money Back Guarantee
We want to make sure you get a ton of value out of our products, and we’ve designed them exactly to do that.
And we’re only interested in your satisfaction.
So if you’re not satisfied with your membership, just shoot us a quick email to [email protected] within 30 days of purchase and we’ll issue a refund immediately.
You don’t even need to make a phone call. It’s as simple as can be.
Integrity is the most important thing to us. And that’s why we have such a strong, iron-clad refund policy. No gimmicks, no BS.
You are fully protected by our 30 day no-questions-asked 100% money back guarantee.
If you take advantage of this offer, you’ll be charged $9,995 today and your membership will renew automatically every 12 months for $2,495.
You can cancel the automatic renewal at any time. Simply send us an email to [email protected].
And your membership renewals are also protected by the same 30 day no-questions-asked 100% money back guarantee.
Legal Disclaimer: Neither this document, nor any content presented by our organization, is intended to provide personal tax or financial advice.
This information is intended to be used and must be used for information purposes only.
We believe the information presented in this report to be true and accurate at the time of publication but do not guarantee the accuracy of every statement, nor guarantee that the information will not change in the future.
No content on the website ( or related sites, nor any content in this email, report, or related content, constitutes, nor should be understood as constituting, a recommendation to enter into any securities transactions or to engage in any of the investment strategies presented here, nor an offer of securities.
Schiff Sovereign employees, officers, or directors receive NO financial compensation from companies or service providers who appear in this report.