Wanted: Select few investors to embark on an inspired journey...
Must be unafraid to venture off the beaten path. Bold enough to buy before the crowd. And confident in the knowledge that you’re right, and that you’ll be handsomely rewarded.
Dear Savvy Investor:
Since you’re reading this, then you know that something… isn’t quite right in the markets.
You see the writing on the wall.
You know, in your bones, that the world is being recreated before your eyes…
That we’re witnessing a shifting of global power…
And that this restructuring will affect everything… including the value of your money and your future prosperity.
But you also understand: Conventional investment wisdom is no longer working.
You’re worried that if you stay on the tired old investing route, then your wealth will get inflated away.
If you’re sharp enough to see all this in motion, it may feel like you’re all alone. But you’re not.
That’s why what I’m about to tell you – which defies convention but honours logic – may make a lot of sense.
Before I do, a word of caution…
If you sense that something’s wrong BUT DON’T ACT, you’ll be stuck. Your brokerage account balance may flatline… or even decrease. That capital you’re counting on to improve your life – for a new house, an early retirement, a better peace of mind… it may not be there at all.
It’s easy to remain paralyzed, afraid of making a mistake.
Rest assured. By reading this, your instincts are correct – and that’s a big key to your investment success.
But taking that plan – the complex one that’s in your head – and then turning it into action… well, that’s easier said than done.
You could try to do all the investment research and heavy lifting yourself…
OR you could boldly step out with someone who:
- Has had a front row seat to earlier crises (and the battle scars to prove it);
- Despite challenges and crises, can rationally and calmly steer ahead;
- And, over the years, has profited because of a data-driven investing philosophy that’s in tune with investor psychology and cycles.
Later on this page, I’ll reveal exactly how you can take the investment road less travelled and benefit immensely.
But for now, as my English brethren The Rolling Stones famously sang: “Please allow me to introduce myself…”
My experience. Your benefit: An insider’s view into the biggest financial crisis of our lifetimes
Let’s go back in time to early 2008, right as the Global Financial Crisis started.
Here’s the scoop from inside a London investment bank…
At the centre of the action: Slick City of London traders – the alpha men and women, the self-appointed kings and queens of the financial world in their £3,000 Armani suits and inflated hubris to match.
These insiders were convinced the party would go on forever, that the music would never stop playing, that the money would keep rolling in.
But then, their world started to unwind.
You see, over in the United States, NYC investment bank Bear Stearns had been in trouble for a couple of years. The bank had gambled BIG on toxic mortgage-backed securities. Its losses mounted… and mounted… and mounted.
Still, even with a collapse looming, Bear Stearns actually doubled down on its losing strategy.
But in March 2008, Bear’s losses were simply too much. Even an emergency loan couldn’t save the company. It was nearly bankrupt.
Ultimately, JPMorgan Chase acquired Bear for a pittance of its former value.
But that wasn’t the story’s end. Instead, the much bigger tale was just getting started…
Bear’s collapse revealed that the global financial system was a ticking time bomb.
Banks had all these complex financial products on their balance sheets. Every major global investment bank was interconnected and exposed. The risks were unknown. And the timeline to fallout was also unknown.
Tick.. tick.. tick…
At this very moment, I – Karl B – had just entered the investing bank scene in London. I was a new university graduate, assigned to the commodities trading desk at UBS.
I remember the chaos vividly.
Each day, the head of the trading floor would rush to our desk and ask about our exposure to a different competitor bank. He was clearly very, very nervous, as were others.
Colleagues routinely came in disheveled, smelling like cigarette smoke. I remember thinking, “I didn’t know that they smoked.”
Rumours swirled about this bank or that bank going under by the end of the week.
The weeks passed by. And the fallout only escalated.
Oil markets got bid up to $147 in July 2008, then imploded over the next six months as capital markets fell apart.
Lehman Brothers collapsed in September, and almost brought down the entire global financial system. A couple weeks later, I recall colleagues crowding around a small TV screen, watching the US Senate vote on the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) bailouts.
It was a tough year to start a finance career.
But looking back, I’m grateful for that trying time.
Because it was also possibly the best preparation for today – where we’re experiencing some of the most unique and challenging financial and economic times that most of us have ever seen…
From the desk of James Hickman:
“My colleague, Karl B, is the only person I trust with my investment money”
James Hickman here, co-founder of Schiff Sovereign.
I’ll take the reins for just a moment.
Where to begin? Overall, it would be an understatement to say it’s a bizarre world.
And I don’t expect that the difficult times will end anytime soon. In fact, the rest of the 2020s could be just as chaotic.
But in such times, it’s more important than ever to recognize the abundance of incredible opportunities that are out there.
For over a decade, we’ve been honored to help you realize these opportunities.
And to thrive and prosper during this turbulence, I’m glad to have a capable, proven market leader by my side.
That person I trust to skillfully guide us through it all is Karl B, Chief Investment Officer at Strategic Bank, the extremely conservative, bespoke bank that I started several years ago.
Karl is also editor and publisher of our investment newsletter, The 4th Pillar.
More on The 4th Pillar later. Right now, I want to tell you more about Karl…
He’s had an illustrious career.
After completing his finance education and working for UBS in London, Karl then moved over to JPMorgan. For several years, he traversed the United States, advising the bank’s clients like Cargill and Coca-Cola on how to manage their commodities exposure.
Again, just like when he started in investment banking, Karl faced a tough task.
By the mid-2010s, the US shale revolution had flooded the oil market, sending prices plummeting. And oil wasn’t alone. The broad commodities market also remained volatile in the years after the Global Financial Crisis.
Karl had to quickly respond to these changing markets. And at that time, only the nimble survived.
He was one of them. But, he told me, after over a decade in the investment banking business, he wanted a change…
Even though Karl was successful, having worked at two acclaimed investment banks, he yearned to have an even more positive impact on his clients.
When I discovered that Karl was ready for a new challenge, I quickly hired him at Strategic Bank, to help serve my bank’s clients. To help them protect their hard-earned wealth against inflation, volatile markets, etc.
You see, I’m not a risk taker. I’m very conservative with my investments. I rarely venture into the public markets… they’re expensive, they’re rigged against individual investors, and I see little reason to be there.
But Karl’s strategy is unique, and I trust his judgment implicitly.
He has an uncanny knack for finding deals in the stock market that have almost no downside risk, and occasionally offer comparable terms to the private market – where I invest 99% of my money.
I’ve looked at portfolios and portfolio managers from San Francisco to Sydney … searching for safe, consistent returns for the Schiff Sovereign community.
And I’m pleased to report: You won’t find a better, more competent go-to investor and guide than Karl.
If you’re bold enough to step off the beaten investment path and follow Karl’s lead, I assure you: You won’t be disappointed. Superb investment research awaits.
And most importantly, outsized profits do, too…
Try The 4th Pillar risk-free with our 100% Money Back Guarantee.
Two lessons from the Global Financial Crisis that will make you a better investor
Thanks, Simon. Karl here again. Back to my Global Financial Crisis experience.
After the markets came crashing down… after countless people lost their life’s savings to the supposed titans of finance, I realised:
All of these people had no clue what was barreling toward them.
Suddenly, they saw bright lights headed their way. It was all they could do to jerk to the left, and avoid the worst crash of their financial lives.
So, the first lesson I learned working at that big bank during the Global Financial Crisis was…
#1: Never fall asleep at the wheel.
When it comes to my personal investment money…
I’m actively spotting and capitalising on ways to adapt to today’s volatility… In sports terms, I skate to where the puck is going, as the famous Wayne Gretzky saying goes.
That leads to the second lesson…
I’ve seen it, time and time again, and the absolute biggest (and most common) investment mistake people make when investing in the markets is…
#2: They count on the external environment remaining stable…
When investors expect the status quo to stay that way forever… they lose.
Big time.
Again, I learned this one personally, at one of the largest investment banks in the world.
I learned it again when I watched policymakers, over and over, do the chat-show rounds and proclaiming how “strong” their financial institutions were.
These were the self-proclaimed EXPERTS. These were the guys in charge of the system.
For decades, they practised what I’ll call “performative impartiality”… but in fact, they created a permanently revolving door of bankers-one-day, bureaucrats-the-next (and back to the banks), etc.
These banker-policymakers drove decades-long build-ups of froth in the economy… cast a blind eye towards predatory lending practices… and applauded the credit bubble ballooning right before their eyes…
…And then acted shocked and awed when their actions burst that bubble in an ear-splitting explosion.
You remember what happened next: Millions of people around the world lost their jobs… many lost their homes… and, of course, saw their life savings bled dry in an instant…
The kicker… is that except for the few who had been paying attention (including the co-founder of Schiff Sovereign, who from its inception was screaming from the rooftops about sovereign debt and the credit bubble in his letters to subscribers)… no one saw it coming.
But after all the fallout, there was some good news for investors.
Back in the 2010s, people could regain their footing and easily claw back some profits in the stock market.
Regrettably, that time has now passed…
The investing “easy button” has vanished.
Unless you change tack now, your portfolio could have gaping losses.
Again, after markets recovered from the GFC, investing was easy…
Even post-Covid 2020, when markets regained their footing – still no problem.
Investors just threw money into a passive index fund… and voila, they earned double-digit annual returns. No stock picking. No big time commitment. They simply followed the broad market, and watched the money roll in.
Brokerage accounts swelled. New equity investors were convinced that they were investment geniuses. So, they bought more shares… at higher valuations… and then borrowed money to buy even more.
Still, the strategy continued to work.
From March 2009 until January 2022, the standard 60% stocks/40% bonds portfolio averaged a 10.5% annual return.
But that nearly 13-year period was marked by low inflation, near-zero interest rates and, aside from some military skirmishes, no major global war. Perfect circumstances. You had a big problem if your investment portfolio didn’t perform in that environment.
Now, contrast those years with what we face today. It’s the exact opposite – high inflation, much higher interest rates, and a rapidly deteriorating geopolitical situation.
Further, over the past few years, we’ve seen exponential changes in…
- Central banks’ balance sheets;
- Money supply growth;
- Investment grade bond yields;
- And even in US government bond yields – the deepest pool of global capital that’s meant to be stable and predictable.
But… are those “genius” investors of the last decade changing up their portfolio? Or are they steamrolling ahead, fully exposed to popular, overbought stocks and bonds?
You don’t have to suffer big losses,
right alongside everyone else.
Most investors have no clue about this…
Try The 4th Pillar risk-free with our 100% Money Back Guarantee.
Another key to your investment success: Mastering investor psychology and the inevitable cycles
I told you above that a lesson I came away with during my Global Financial Crisis experience was to…
Never trust that external circumstances will remain the same.
As I spoke with my investment bank’s clients throughout much of the 2010s, no matter the industry or location throughout North America, I noticed the classic investor psychology cycle playing itself out, over and over:

Here’s a graph of how commodities did during that time. You’ll see that the chart roughly follows the investor psychology cycle…

We saw a bull market from 2009-2011, when it reached its peak. Then, as producers flooded the market with additional supply and investors got giddy, commodities mostly cooled off for the rest of the decade.
But as the chart shows, commodities reached another fever pitch in 2022.
And again, investors likely timed it wrong.
It’s that old adage about how when the taxi driver tells you to buy certain equities, it’s time to sell.
In times of volatility, it’s essential to practice rigour in your evaluations, restraint in your choices, and above all, to stay rational. Emotional investing tends to be bad investing.
The people who follow me have mastered their emotions. And they know a bit about investor psychology and cycles.
Also, my subscribers are…
- Smart, rational, long-term investors who don’t expect overnight profits;
- Highly independent thinkers;
- Open-minded about global investment opportunities;
- Risk-averse;
- And looking for value… but unwilling to spend 9 hours every day looking for undervalued stocks in promising sectors from around the world.
Does this sound like you? If so…
I’m pleased to present my investment newsletter, The 4th Pillar: This is your opportunity to chart a new course. And to profit. Immensely.
My investment philosophy combines top-down and bottom-up analyses to render an integrated, holistic picture of both the macro and the micro conditions.
We’ll delve deeply into what’s currently happening in a particular sector or asset class and fold in the historical patterns that can help shape our perspective.
That means we’ll hit balance sheets, fundamentals and valuations.
And I’ll consult with my deep network of on-the-ground experts who know every aspect of that particular asset class or sector.
And as you get to know me, you’ll understand why I reject most of the investment opportunities out there.
Very briefly, the stocks I feature in The 4th Pillar meet the following criteria:
- Strong cash flow;
- A solid management structure with sound organization;
- A favourable valuation;
- Exposure to an industry on the upswing, but a uniquely positioned company with minimal risks;
- And in tune with the investing cycle – which positions subscribers ahead of the trend to maximise profits.
There’s something else you should know… something I believe is extremely important … I invest my own money in most – if not all – of the stocks I feature.
“I eat my own cooking,” as we say in the investment world.
So, I’m also looking for serious upside, too, and my incentives are aligned with yours.
And after I initially cover all these opportunities, my work doesn’t stop there.
Instead, I keep you updated on the portfolio companies’ news in the monthly letter. I also inform you when it’s time to close a position and take profits.
I am fortunate to be aided in this endeavour by Harrison Burge, an editor at Sovereign who specialises in finance, among other topics.
Not only has he been working on this publication for over four years, he also has a stellar background: After working in missile warning/missile defence in the US Air Force, he joined an analytics team at major defence contractor Booz Allen Hamilton.
Then, he worked as an analyst for an independent oil & gas company, right in the heart of the shale revolution.
We are fortunate indeed to benefit from Harrison’s first-hand experience in the worlds of defence, energy and business, which delivers boots-on-the-ground insight into many of our research findings.
But we can’t accept everyone. For those select few who join The 4th Pillar today, here’s what to expect.
When you join The 4th Pillar, you gain access to my featured companies.
Please note that we don’t feature stocks that trade on far-flung, hard-to-access exchanges.
Instead, one fundamental rule is that our featured companies must be listed on a widely traded exchange, and accessible through a large brokerage platform.
And rule number two about featured stocks: The company’s financial statements must be published in English. This way, we don’t have any blind spots on the latest company developments.
Want to invest through your retirement account? No problem.
If you have an IRA with Fidelity or another major custodian, chances are you don’t have to change anything… you can make many of the trades directly in your IRA.
All that said, there is one limiting factor you should be aware of…
The number of subscribers we can accept is extremely limited. Since some of these featured companies are thinly traded, we can’t onboard tens of thousands of new subscribers.
Just imagine if you were a 4th Pillar subscriber right now, holding onto this recently featured company…
A recently featured 4th Pillar company:
The upside of a gold miner, but without all the risks. Subscribers already have gains on this new portfolio addition.
I told you earlier about the titans of finance getting caught off guard. Falling asleep at the wheel.
My solemn responsibility is to help make sure that you’re not caught off guard, and that you understand both the risks and rewards of this new era.
Part of that, for example, means a much deeper focus on real assets.
A term like “real assets” covers a lot of ground. It can include things like certain commodities – especially in the areas of energy, agriculture, and some metals.
Before I go any further, let me be clear about two things…
First, I’m not a gold bug. In fact, I’m not an anything bug.
And second, I think the gold exploration sector is a terrible place to invest. The maths just doesn’t add up for investors. Only about 0.1% of prospected sites turn into a productive mine. And a gold mining company’s exploration phase typically takes up to 10 years – lots of time for investors to sit idle, with no capital returns.
Mine drilling service companies – the “picks and shovels” of the industry – are different.
These companies focus purely on the business of drilling for metals, primarily gold, at the behest of mining companies. Plus, the contracts with miners can be multi-year, or even multi-decade long, giving the drillers plenty of predictable, reliable cashflow.
In the January 2023 issue, my very first pick as editor and publisher of The 4th Pillar was a mine drilling service company.
This one ticks all my boxes. The founder owns a large portion of the shares. From 2017 to 2022, the company posted a 9% CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate). And the ROE (Return on Equity) is 18% – demonstrating that the company is generating healthy returns.
Yet… when I featured the company in January, it only traded on a Price/Earnings (P/E) ratio of 4.5. At the peak of the last gold cycle in 2011, the company traded at 12x earnings.
So, 4th Pillar subscribers are well positioned… with 200% or higher profits possible when gold goes on another run.
That’s because we’re not idealogues. We see where the markets are going, and we position well before they move. We take great pride that…
The 4th Pillar is nimble and adapts to changing circumstances. And over the years, regardless of strategy, we’ve delivered winners.
About 12 years ago, The 4th Pillar started as a takeover arbitrage newsletter – designed to produce quick, low-risk, 3-5% profits in 1-2 months… and rinse and repeat.
That strategy proved profitable.
Over the years, subscribers who followed our research booked profits on 66 of 82 featured takeover arbitrage companies – for an 80.5% “win” rate.
But after 2011-2012, we started to add more “Deep Value” opportunities. These were companies trading for cheap. Real cheap. In fact, the market capitalisation was often less than the amount of company cash on-hand.
And again, subscribers profited.
Out of 36 opened and closed Deep Value trades, the average winner produced an 80.9% profit.
And, regardless of the type of investment, over that entire 12-year span, subscribers booked profits on 74.3% of our featured trades.
Our investment philosophy has recently evolved from the “Deep Value” companies we focused on for years.
But what has remained the same – assiduous research, gutsy leads and shrewd calls – continues to provide Deep Value to our subscribers.
Subscribers’ words of praise...
We have read and invested with Schiff Sovereign for many years and have always found them to be a superior source of hard-to-find knowledge.
Best internationalization, offshore, flag theory, diversification, immigration, residencies, passports level headedness & common sense investment publication for the freedom & Sovereign minded.
In a world pushing all the opposite of the mentioned above down your throat this is one you owe to yourself to be subscribed to and make yourself one of the most informed and prepared individuals around.
Interested? Then don’t delay. There’s limited room. And you don’t want to miss out on our next profitable picks.
The 4th Pillar is a highly sought-after service, but the strategy cannot accommodate all comers. That’s why we’re forced to limit the number of subscribers.
So, if you like the idea of having investor psychology and investment cycles work in your favour… and a former investment banker right at your side, scouring the world for opportunities to profit.
Then act right now. Join The 4th Pillar, and get started on your new investment journey.
At $5,000 a year, The 4th Pillar would be great value. But we don’t charge even half that amount.
And you’ve got nothing to lose. If you don’t love The 4th Pillar, there’s a 30-day money-back guarantee. No questions asked. No hesitations from us. No phone call. Just a quick email, and we’ll hand your money back to you.
But if you join, we’re confident that you’ll see the value in sticking around.
The 4th Pillar is a monthly newsletter I personally write and send ONLY to members of this community.
You receive my specific investment coverage on the first Friday of each month. These are the same ones I follow with my own capital.
I’ll show you …
- Which stocks to buy… at which price…
- When to sell…
- When to hold
- All while clarifying our investment methodology, and the market indicators we’re looking out for.
I also send occasional emails when there’s an urgent need to buy or sell a stock I have featured.
Here’s an example of the front page of a recent 4th Pillar newsletter.
Gain exposure to gold’s upside, without the mining or production risks. And along the way, collect a 4%+ dividend yield on this company that’s poised for a record 2023.
If you subscribe today, you’ll get this February 2023 issue of The 4th Pillar, our just-released March edition, and all the other back issues.
In this February issue, you’ll find out more about this gold ore processing company, and have the opportunity to invest alongside me. You’ll also gain a better understanding of this relatively unknown corner of the gold industry – information that will make you a better, more sophisticated investor.
And you’ll see a complete list of 4th Pillar portfolio companies that I’ve featured since taking over as editor late last year.
Plus, if you subscribe today, your next 4th Pillar issue will arrive in only a couple of weeks. We send you The 4th Pillar each month – packed with a new feature company (sometimes 2 or 3 new companies), updates on portfolio companies and what to do next (buy, sell, or hold).

Note: The 4th Pillar is only accepting a limited number of new subscribers.
So, it’s important you subscribe now if you have a serious interest. Don’t delay.
The stocks I feature are often small and thinly traded… so The 4th Pillar community can never become too large… otherwise my readers couldn’t take advantage of the opportunities.
A recent pick: This 4th Pillar portfolio company generates a healthy cash flow yield, has a rock solid balance sheet with no debt, and numerous growth opportunities ahead
Just over a month ago, I featured another way to gain exposure to the gold industry… without taking mining or production risks.
This company:
- Operates a simple, profitable business
- Has a pristine balance sheet with no debt
- Had a breakout 2021 (we’re waiting on 2022 full-year results)
- And is poised for a record 2023
Also, the company has funded expansion via the cash flow they generate. But they’ve also returned cash to shareholders. Since 2018, the company has increased their dividend amount four times, the most recent hike in December 2022.
This is EXACTLY the setup we’re looking for.
And if the gold price rises – as I expect – then this company’s gross profits will soar.
If you subscribe to The 4th Pillar today, you’ll have the opportunity to invest in this company. And there are plenty of other reasons to subscribe…
10 Reasons to Join The 4th Pillar Community…
Here’s why investors around the world have joined The 4th Pillar community.
I do all the “heavy lifting” for you through my research … so you don’t have to spend hours and hours sifting through the raw data finding the stocks that match my strategy.
Avoid the risk of today’s overvalued markets… It’s no secret that most stock markets around the world are seriously overvalued… and thus seriously risky. You can avoid these overvalued markets with my coverage. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking great companies are also great investments. They’re not, if most of the future gains have already been priced into the lofty current share price.
You get high-quality stock features… with strong potential upside.
Even more value… this information would normally cost tens of thousands if I sold it to professional money managers… but for you, it’s less than a cup of coffee per day
I personally buy many of these companies… I invest my own money, and that of my high net worth clients, in the exact same coverage I give you.
My background… I was formerly an investment banker. I was trained to evaluate companies and their potential for growth and success. I’ve carefully honed my system for 15 years.
The only source for this information… you cannot find this type of stock research anywhere else… it’s only available through membership in The 4th Pillar.
Timely information… you receive the monthly newsletter which comes with my picks. But when time is more pressing, I send an email to 4th Pillar subscribers the moment I think you need to act.
All the information you need… you know when to buy… you know when to hold… you know when to sell… all thanks to The 4th Pillar’s coverage.
Limited number of subscriptions… The 4th Pillar is NOT available to everyone. It’s only available to members of the Schiff Sovereign community and the total number of subscribers is limited. We have to ration memberships as the stocks I feature are sometimes thinly traded.
Remember, I invest in The 4th Pillar’s portfolio companies right alongside you...
Here’s something I discovered when I was an investment banker…
Many people who make stock picks DO NOT invest in these stocks. It’s pretty shocking, I know.
But I invest in the stocks I cover… usually taking significant positions.
So… I’m a member of this 4th Pillar community with serious skin in the game. I have a vested interest in the performance of these stocks. Just like you.
What The 4th Pillar is NOT…
If you’re looking for “electrifying gains” in the next 30 days, then The 4th Pillar is NOT for you.
I’m not running some shady, fly-by-night, get-rich-quick scheme.
That said, it’s possible to see gains happen relatively fast on my featured companies.
But results sometimes take much longer… so you need to be a patient investor.
The 4th Pillar is priced a fraction of the cost of similar services… yet its ROI is off the charts…
You may be wondering, “what does membership to The 4th Pillar cost?” Let me answer the question…
The 4th Pillar is $1,995 per year...
But let’s think about what’s really important here… your portfolio and your financial goals.
And let’s think about the potential return on your investment in The 4th Pillar.
- If you had invested $4,000 in the safe New Zealand investment holding company, you would have booked a $2,160 profit in just over 2 years. And then a $2,320 profit a few months later.
- If you had invested $5,000 in these floating rate Notes, you would have posted a $2,100 profit in 19 months.
- If you had invested just $2,500 in this Asian commercial and residential property developer, your first profit would have been $2,625. And your second profit would have been $3,000.
As you can see, a small investment into any one of these investments would’ve easily paid for your entire subscription – and then some.
Bottom line… a membership in
The 4th Pillar pays for itself very quickly
Try The 4th Pillar risk-free with our 100% Money Back Guarantee.
The investment world is changing. The cost of inaction will severely hamstring your future self’s financial prosperity.
Don’t look back to this moment and wish that you had changed with it.
After all, we’re witnessing, as Schiff Sovereign’s co-founder, James Hickman, coins it…
The Four Forces of Civilizational Decline:
- Economic decline
- Energy decline
- Societal decline
- Historical decline
And all of these forces are changing the tenor of the investment playbook.
Moreover, they’re fundamentally restructuring the Global Economic System.
This has major repercussions in terms of the kinds of companies, and the sectors, you may wish to invest in.
So, your investment future is in your hands. It’s your choice.
If you’re content to follow the crowd…
If you’re satisfied with average analysis and profits…
If you think that massive changes aren’t afoot – changes BIG ENOUGH to dramatically alter the investment landscape…
Then my type of investing is probably not for you.
If you’re bold enough to embark on a different journey… one that doesn’t follow the crowd… that’s filled with useful investment education… and, most importantly, stellar results…
Then The 4th Pillar is right for you.
Join us, and get in tune with investment cycles. Understand investor psychology – and get on the winning, profitable side, time and time again.
So again, your choice:
Do nothing… And potentially look back one day with regret, wishing that you had taken action. Wishing that you had listened to that inner voice telling you that it’s time for an investment change… that it’s time for a new, exciting investing journey.
OR you can take action now and start reaping the benefits. After all, we’re offering a…
30-Day Guarantee…
And a full, easy refund if you’re not totally delighted

Karl B,
Editor & Publisher, The 4th Pillar…

P.S. Yes… you can use your retirement funds to invest in 4th Pillar companies.
The 4th Pillar investment opportunities are an excellent option for your retirement account. You can invest in all of these positions through any broker that works with retirement accounts.
You can invest whether you have an IRA, Solo 401k, or a self-managed superannuation fund.
“The 4th Pillar” of self-reliance in the Schiff Sovereign ethos is financial independence – and that’s what The 4th Pillar is designed to help deliver.
Join me, and let me help you attain your financial freedom.
Try The 4th Pillar risk-free with our 100% Money Back Guarantee.
You are fully protected by our 30 day no-questions-asked 100% money back guarantee.
If you take advantage of this offer, you’ll be charged $1,995 today and your 4th Pillar membership will renew automatically every 12 months.
You can cancel the automatic renewal at any time. Simply send us an email to [email protected].
And your membership renewals are also protected by the same 30 day no-questions-asked 100% money back guarantee.
4th Pillar provides independent research which should not be viewed as investment or tax advice, nor an offer to purchase securities.
Legal Disclaimer: Neither this document, nor any content presented by our organization, is intended to provide personal tax or financial advice.
This information is intended to be used and must be used for information purposes only.
We are not investment or tax advisors, and this should not be considered advice. It is very important to do your own analysis before making any investment or employing any tax strategy.
You should consider your own personal circumstances and speak with professional advisors before making any investment.
The information contained in this report is based on our own research, opinions, as well as representations made by company management.
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