Sovereign Man's Premium Intelligence Membership
Join Sovereign Man: Confidential
Take Back Control with the most comprehensive international
diversification toolkit on the planet.
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Learn How To:
Protect your assets...
Create a firewall around your assets - and especially your home.
Escape the assaults...
Obtain a second residency or passport - so you can always have a place to call home.
Spot and seize...
Access a world of opportunities - discover the opportunities hidden amidst the chaos.
Take back control...
Start taking back control - of your future, dignity and prosperity.
You might not recognize the world around you.
You can still Thrive - and Take Back Control.
We’ll teach you how.
Sovereign Man began over a decade ago… spurred by sleepless nights over the United States’ national debt – which was then ‘only’ $13 trillion. (Yes, we lose actual sleep over sovereign wealth issues.)
Since then, despite a global financial crisis, rising regulations, and crippling tax hikes, we’ve successfully managed to:
- Create and/or invest in several multi-million dollar businesses…
- Legally and significantly reduce our taxes… (to fantastically low amounts)
- Purchase thousands of acres of productive farmland…
- Establish multiple “backup” citizenships and residencies around the world...
- Protect our savings with genius structures that thwart ambulance-chasing creditors…
- Create one of the most respected research publication companies in the world...
- And much more...
And we successfully predicted that a sudden catalyst would lead to:
- A gold and silver surge. For years, we have suggested readers buy gold and silver as a hedge, as insurance against volatility in the economy.
- Over the first six months of 2020, gold prices soared from $1,471 per ounce to $2,063 per ounce… and silver more than doubled – from about $12 per ounce to $29 per ounce.
- A roller coaster stock market. Readers who diversified out of it, as we suggested, have been able to remain calm… and pick up some excellent bargains in the process.
- Higher taxes. After reading our reports, some of our subscribers are now only paying 4% in federal taxes, and many have significantly (and legally, of course) lowered their tax bills.
- Government restrictions. Readers who followed our reports on pursuing second residencies or second citizenships have been able to escape the madness and go somewhere with more freedom.
- Increased lawsuits. Subscribers who have protected their assets with a firewall are much less vulnerable to ambulance chasers right now.
But we knew there would be more. We knew a sea-change was coming.
We knew our children and grandchildren would have to work harder than we did, for less purchasing power.
We knew the US was in a serious state of decline, as all empires eventually are.
We knew that the world would see continued uprisings over increasingly scarce resources.
And we knew there would be a Black Swan event that might just make it all snap…
The details were fuzzy – we didn’t predict the exact virus, or the lockdowns, or the new religion of Wokeness – which punishes all who do not convert, kneel, beg, and atone for the stains on their very DNA.
But we did see the Big Picture.
And, while predicting all of this, we created a comprehensive suite of international solutions – not just for riding out the chaos… but to create ORDER from it.
The expertise we share…
- Dozens of options for obtaining a second passport --potentially for free – and thus lifelong opportunities to live, work, invest, travel, and do business around the world
- How to put a firewall around your assets, both domestically and internationally
- How to structure your money and assets to legitimately save tens of thousands of dollars in income tax – even from the Bolsheviks – with simple, no-brainer strategies
- Liberate your retirement savings with a genius structure that lets YOU control your money and make lucrative investments outside of drastically overvalued stock markets
- How to pass 100% of your assets, tax-free, to your family
- How to set up a simple, cost-effective structure that will discourage frivolous creditors who contemplate suing you
- How to store gold and silver in one of the most secure facilities on the planet... AND participate in its innovative, safe, and lucrative peer-to-peer lending program
- And much, much more...
If you’re tired of the chaos…
If you’re sick of people ordering you to Shut Up and Obey…
If you’re not really in the mood to destroy capitalism, the free market, and Western Civilization…
Then remember:
You don’t have to play the part you’ve been assigned by the woke crazies.
You can, instead, choose to Take Back Control.
Here’s the way “they” see the world:
- “Humans” are bad and put others at risk by... existing (inducing climate change, spreading disease, etc.)
- Those who question any part of the prevailing narrative must be mocked...
- Capitalism is bad. (Fascist!) So we must destroy it and replace it with collectivism...
- No, really: Capitalism is super, duper bad. So we’ll let a group led by “trained Marxists” rake in tens of millions of dollars in donations – and require ZERO financial transparency from them – because if the money goes to communists, it’s not capitalism...
- Men are bad. Because they’re not women. They must be neutered...
- People who want to make their own choices – i.e., have some dignity and be treated as adults – are bad… so we must control them, and everyone else, in the name of safety...
- People who wish to be left alone are bad… so they will be tracked...
- Not wanting to be tracked is bad… even though a few years ago, we were outraged when Edward Snowden revealed we were being tracked… so instead we’ll change the wording to “contact tracing” and feel proud to participate...
- Critical thinking is bad… Anyone who doesn’t cleave to the Leftist narrative – even Leftists who question any part of it – will be canceled (big in cults)...
- The police are bad… but the Thought Police are good!... so cops as a whole are attacked and Thought Policers are applauded (again, big in cults)...
The Way WE see the World:
- Capitalism is not perfect, but it is the ONLY system that has lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty… and continues to do so...
- We each have inherent dignity, and dignity is inextricably tied to freedom…
- The actions being taken on a societal level severely curtail that freedom… and are not leading to widespread prosperity...
- Enforced equality of outcome (‘equity’ in wokespeak) does not lead to prosperity… but rather to communism. We all know how that story ends...
- Creating more FREEDOM and OPPORTUNITY for yourself is the ONLY way to increase your prosperity, security, and dignity. Period.
The lockdowns, the riots, the name calling, the wokespeak, and the random attacks… all are leading to more and more discord – bankruptcies, suicides, lawsuits…
This is likely to get worse before it ever gets better.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but:
Your savings are in danger. So is your retirement. And so are your freedoms.
Chaos leads to power grabs. It always has.
The Bolsheviks are coming, and they want – need – your money.
Bolsheviks don’t ask for power. They seize it. And they do so by first creating pandemonium and rage.
Our flagship product
Sovereign Man: Confidential... you the tools to hedge against what’s coming and regain your freedom.
You'll learn to:
- Procure a second residency or second passport… so you always have a place to go...
- Implement strategies that help create a strong fence around your assets… especially your home...
- Diversify out of the dollar, and out of broke, insolvent US banks. That way, you can worry less about losing your hard-earned savings...
- Sock away tens of thousands more per year in special retirement accounts… and legally lower your taxes while doing so...
These strategies would make sense anytime, anywhere – but especially today, in a pre-Bolshevik world.
Our founder, Simon Black, is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and served in the United States Army as an intelligence officer during Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
If there’s one lesson he has learned, it’s that you always need a Plan B.
Pilots always have one. Military generals have one. Successful investors and business leaders do, too.
At Sovereign Man, we’ve been pounding the table for a decade about creating a Plan B for your life, money and assets.
Now, the crisis is here.
Plan B is now Plan A
It’s go-time. You don’t want to be making critical decisions during an emotional upheaval or an attack on your money.
And you need PROVEN strategies.
These strategies used to be available only to the super wealthy...
Back in the day, only the super-wealthy – and multinational corporations with access to armies of lawyers – could afford to implement our solutions.
But over the past few decades, thanks to globalization and the Internet, the big world of opportunities has become easier and cheaper to access.
These days, just as you can pick the best neighborhood for the safety of your family, you can pick the best neighborhood for your savings, your business, and your assets.
By diversifying both domestically and internationally, you can dramatically reduce your risk, expand your freedom and take advantage of worldwide opportunities to increase your prosperity.
At Sovereign Man: Confidential, our team does the hard work of finding the best opportunities around the world and making them accessible to you.
Instead of grinding it out and learning how to be an astute investor and businessman from scratch, like Simon had to do, you have the opportunity to learn from his experience and avoid all the costly mistakes he’s made.
The reality is, nobody will ever be more powerful, more capable, and more motivated to eliminate risks and create opportunities than you.
All you need are the proper tools and the knowledge of how to use them.
That’s what SMC provides – Knowledge and Tools. Intelligence and Action.
That's what SMC provides -
Knowledge and Tools. Intelligence and Action.
Try Sovereign Man: Confidential risk-free with our 100% Money Back Guarantee.
Inside your Sovereign Man: Confidential
Membership Area
Intelligence Reports
Every month you will receive a mix of intelligence reports – ranging from in-depth articles and case studies to a monthly letter straight from our founder. And each quarter, you’ll receive a comprehensive Black Paper on a topic of immediate relevance.

Our proprietary research methodology focuses on domestic and international diversification strategies… with step-by-step instructions and contacts who can help you implement our solutions (many of which we’ve pioneered).
Copycat sites on the web love to steal our products and pretend to be experts. But we actually put ourselves on planes, travel to places near and far, and do the hard excavation work to unlock these ideas and contacts. We don’t take kickbacks from the providers whom we vet and mention… and we are obsessed with providing our audience with deep value.
That’s why Sovereign Man: Confidential (SMC) is considered THE number one international diversification publication in the world, respected for its thoroughness and integrity.
Recently, SMC members received information and contacts on:
- How to gain one of the world’s most sought-after citizenships in HALF the time, thanks to a back-door solution we discovered (and that most Americans can try)...
- How to instantly strip your assets (on paper) so that ambulance-chasing lawyers don’t want to come after you...
- How you can minimize, or even eliminate, the bulk of your tax on investment income by using two unique strategies in Puerto Rico...
- How to ensure that YOU – not your broker – actually own your stocks
- How non-US citizens can benefit from holding assets in places like South Dakota and Wyoming... as well as the risks they face in the financial system.
- And much more...
Quarterly In-Depth
Black Papers
Our quarterly Black Papers are in-depth research reports that go into extreme detail about a specific topic.
- Learn how to secure residency or citizenship abroad, so that you can be more free
- Discover exactly how to slash your US federal taxes to 4%... and your capital gains taxes to ZERO
- Craft a solid Plan B with our turnkey, step-by-step guide
… and much more.

For example, one of our recent reports went in-depth into how to invest in Opportunity Zones and save enormous amounts of money in capital gains taxes. We include step-by-step instructions, including instructions on how to create your own Opportunity Fund.
One hugely popular report explores the ins-and-outs of harnessing Puerto Rico’s amazing tax incentives and reducing your taxes down to nearly nothing.
Another one covers no-brainer tax strategies for Internet Entrepreneurs.
Another goes into great depth on Citizenship-by-Investment programs around the world.
And in Q4 of 2020, we released a comprehensive guide to the world’s leading Golden Visa programs… and their less expensive counterparts.
These visas give you the option of escaping the madness back home, but unlike other residencies, you don’t have to move to that country to maintain it…
Our Latest
Starter Guide
How to Put An Iron-Lock on Your Life, Get a Second Passport, Save a Fortune in Taxes & More.
This is the single most important intelligence report we’ve ever published… tailored for the unique risks in 2020 and beyond…

Never before had we created a single report that outlines every step you need to take to protect your family and livelihood, gain more freedom… and even, potentially, substantially increase your wealth.
The Sovereign Man Starter Guide contains a decade of actionable knowledge we’ve acquired traveling the globe, meeting with top lawyers, bankers and government officials.
It’s the one report you’ll need to fire-proof your life and gain more freedom…
A few examples of what you’ll learn inside…
- How to cut your capital gains tax to ZERO – Pg. 74
- The four ways to get a valuable second passport – Pg. 47
- Never lose an online password again (and make all of yours much more secure) – Pg. 7
- Reclaim taxes you’ve already paid on certain dividends – Pg. 76
- Simple structures you can create to save more for retirement (and supplement 401(k)s and pensions) – Pg. 70
- The best way to protect your assets in a litigious society – Pg. 78
- And much, much more...
boots-on-the-ground reports in
Monthly Dispatches
On average, Simon – and now our Sovereign Woman, Viktorija – travel to over 40 countries per year…doing business, investing, exploring emerging markets, and establishing and maintaining important relationships.
Just to give you a brief snapshot… Our founder has negotiated an eight-figure financing deal with one of the largest financial institutions in the world, met with the former President of Colombia at his home, led an investor group to take a controlling stake in a public company, and spoken on stage to thousands of people alongside Rich Dad, Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki and legendary investor Jim Rogers.
Everything he learns from valuable experiences like these is passed along to you in Sovereign Man: Confidential’s monthly subscriber letter.
In these monthly dispatches, Simon and Viktorija share what they’ve learned, seen, and what their considerably experienced circle of contacts believes is coming up next.
The monthly dispatch is also intended to be highly educational, and to dive deeper into the actionable concepts of our SMC alerts.
The SMC monthly dispatch is delivered to your inbox in a raw, unbiased format.
Member Only
Monthly Q&A
If you still have questions after accessing our tools and education, you can submit them to our monthly, member-only Q&A, where Simon and the team answer them in detail.
Member Only
Many of the solutions and tools we discuss are absolutely free. But some of them do require an additional investment, like establishing an asset protection structure.
In those cases, we frequently negotiate steep discounts with our vetted contacts.
Again, here at Sovereign Man, we never take any kickbacks or commissions from professional providers servicing SMC members, and instead pass all of those savings on directly to you.
A single discount is often worth multiples of the entire cost of your Sovereign Man: Confidential membership.
An archive with
10+ Years of Market-Leading Intelligence
As a member of Sovereign Man: Confidential, you receive several new reports every month.
And on top of that, you have access to an archive with hundreds of solutions that we have published over the past decade.
Finding the perfect solution is a breeze in our new members’ area.
Whether you want to legally and significantly reduce your taxes, obtain a second passport through your grandparents (or via 3 other ways), or implement any of the other solutions we discuss, we have you covered
And, of course... You are protected by an
Ironclad Money Back Guarantee

We want to make sure you receive a ton of value from our products, and we’ve designed them to give you exactly that.
We’re only interested in your satisfaction.
But if you’re not satisfied, just shoot a one-line email to [email protected] within 30 days of your membership purchase and we’ll issue you a refund immediately.
You don’t even need to make a phone call. It’s that simple. And that easy.
Integrity is the most important thing for us. And that’s why we have such a strong, ironclad refund policy.
Your journey to greater prosperity, opportunity and freedom starts here.
Try Sovereign Man: Confidential risk-free with our 100% Money Back Guarantee.
You are fully protected by our 30 day no-questions-asked 100% money back guarantee.
If you take advantage of this offer, you’ll be charged $199 today and your Sovereign Man: Confidential membership will renew automatically every 3 months.
You can cancel the automatic renewal at any time. Simply send us an email to [email protected].
And your membership renewals are also protected by the same 30 day no-questions-asked 100% money back guarantee.
Sovereign Man: Confidential provides independent research which should not be viewed as investment or tax advice, nor an offer to purchase securities.
Legal Disclaimer: Neither this document, nor any content presented by our organization, is intended to provide personal tax or financial advice.
This information is intended to be used and must be used for information purposes only.
We are not investment or tax advisors, and this should not be considered advice. It is very important to do your own analysis before making any investment or employing any tax strategy.
You should consider your own personal circumstances and speak with professional advisors before making any investment.
The information contained in this report is based on our own research, opinions, as well as representations made by company management.
We believe the information presented in this report to be true and accurate at the time of publication but do not guarantee the accuracy of every statement, nor guarantee that the information will not change in the future.
It is important that you independently research any information that you wish to rely upon, whether for the purpose of making an investment or tax decision, or otherwise.
No content on the website ( or related sites, nor any content in this email, report, or related content, constitutes, nor should be understood as constituting, a recommendation to enter into any securities transactions or to engage in any of the investment strategies presented here, nor an offer of securities.
Sovereign Man employees, officers, and directors may participate in any investment described in this content when legally permissible, and do so on the same investment terms as subscribers.
Sovereign Man employees, officers, or directors receive NO financial compensation from companies who appear in this report.