Your order was successful...
You’re one of the first to join.
So, I’d like to extend an exclusive invitation to you...
Congratulations on becoming a member of The 4th Pillar.
I’m confident the investment research we provide will be enormously beneficial to your future and prosperity.
As a thank you for acting quickly, I’d like to extend my invitation to join our highest-end membership, Total Access.
Inside, members get complimentary access to all of our current and future products, exclusive intelligence, private investment deals, events in exotic locations and other opportunities that are simply not available anywhere else or for any price.
We only open Total Access once, maybe twice, each year. And when we do, we always close the offer very quickly.
Thousands of people are on the waiting list to join Total Access. And there are thousands more who are new to Sovereign Man, and who would also like to join.
But we purposefully keep this group very small.
It’s certainly not for everyone, but if you are interested in getting exclusive research about unique, private investment opportunities you’ll feel right at home with Total Access.
That’s because Total Access is the only way to get…
Access to our most exclusive research
Sovereign Man: Private Investor
Earlier this year, dozens of our members became millionaires (or millions richer) from just one Sovereign Man: Private Investor opportunity.
Sovereign Man: Private Investor is our most exclusive product. We stopped selling it years ago and nobody outside of Total Access has been able to purchase it at any price since then.
Inside we curate and present our research on private investments for early-stage businesses that have explosive potential. Our opportunities cover a wide range of fields– such as cannabis, AI, developing markets, etc.
And our members can make 10, 50, even 100 times their money on these investments.
A few years ago we presented our research on a small private company at a price of 50 cents per share. It went public in 2019 and the stock price has been as high as $10.
Many of our members made 20 TIMES their money and in total saw over $100 million in gains… with many members individually earning millions of dollars from that single investment.
This is exactly the type of research I like to present to our members.
Of course, there is risk in these investments, too. And to be honest, sometimes they don’t work out.
While many of our investments have performed incredibly well, a few have gone to zero.
It’s all part of early-stage investing. And that’s why you should diversify your portfolio and only invest the amount you can afford to lose.
But even when things don’t go as planned, I personally step in and do everything I can to fix it.
We had one terrible failure recently… But I personally spent over $500,000 of my own money to fight the founders in court and freeze their assets.
We had another company that was failing and so I came on board, pushed the founders out, inserted my own people to steer the company back to profitability.
And now it’s on the cusp of being wildly profitable, and a sensational investment for our members.
Another company declared bankruptcy, but I was able to salvage a substantial portion of the investors’ capital.
On the flip side we had the investment earlier this year that went public and made over $100 million for our investors.
This is something you should only do with a small portion of your capital, but even a small investment in these lucrative deals can generate an enormous return.
Your interests and mine are completely aligned...
I want to make it very clear that we take absolutely no commissions, kickbacks or anything of the sort.
It’s a huge part of my personal code, and I just think it’s the right way to do it.
While this is extremely rare in the financial industry where commissions and kickbacks are the norm… I would never put myself in a position where my interests and the interests of our members are not 100% aligned.
In fact, whenever possible, I invest my own capital or company’s capital right alongside you at exactly the same terms.
In Total Access I share my most
Exclusive Opportunities
One of the reasons I formed Total Access was to have a small, exclusive audience for those unique opportunities that are too sensitive to broadcast across the Internet.
We frequently share limited-engagement opportunities with Total Access members that we can never print anywhere else.
Here is one of the exclusive opportunities we are working on right now…
First access to our Private Bank
As a Total Access member you will always be the first to hear about — and receive access to — our newest developments and best opportunities.
Some time ago I formed a private bank called Strategic Bank. My goal with Strategic Bank is to elevate banking standards for safety, transparency and customer service.
But Strategic Bank will only do business with people we know… and that includes Total Access members.
You will be among the first people eligible to apply for a private bank account with Strategic Bank. And you’ll get access to other unique investment opportunities.
Acquire a fantastic second passport at the lowest price you can find anywhere
As a Total Access member you also have the opportunity to obtain a fantastic second passport at a steep discount of $20,000-$50,000.
We are able to provide these savings because we have negotiated directly with various people in the government and industry to create the lowest price citizenship-by-investment deal.
Additionally, we don’t make any money on this. Usually, promoters of citizenship-by-investment programs receive huge commissions. But again, we don’t take a penny. Instead we pass along 100% of our commission as additional savings to our members.
Build relationships at our
Exclusive Events
Several times a year, I invite you to join our events and spend time with me, my team and my personal and professional contacts.
At our past events, people like Robert Kiyosaki, Peter Schiff, Ron Paul and Jim Rogers have joined our members and broken bread together.
Annual Meetings
Our annual meetings are a perfect mix of social gathering and formal event.
It’s a great time for you to meet the people that work hard every day to deliver the most value possible to you as well as the CEOs behind our private investments.
You’ll also, of course, spend time getting to know other TA members, people who share your ethos and goals.
The dates and locations may change, but the feeling of a family reunion will always stay the same.

Boots on the Ground Events
We hold these events in places where we see opportunities.
I’ve done this sort of thing on my own for years across my travels to more than 120 countries.
But during a recent event in Uzbekistan in 2019 I brought our members with me on a boots on the ground, investment due diligence trip to this frontier market.
We met with senior government officials and ministers, local entrepreneurs, lawyers and brokers to really get a feel for the place.
And we walked away with one Sovereign Man: Private Investor deal that many members already invested in, and another opportunity that we are continuing to perform due diligence on.

Local Gatherings
As I travel around the world, I frequently take time to meet up with Total Access members for small, informal dinners.
I met up with members in places as diverse as Dallas, New York, London, Bangkok, Los Angeles, and San Juan.
Again, these informal events are a great way to connect with other members, all fascinating people who value freedom and opportunity.

But the best part is probably...
Our Members Themselves
They are some of the finest, most interesting and unique people you could ever meet.
Many of them have gone on to build wonderful friendships and form lucrative business arrangements.
We’re told over and over again how grateful members are to be able to form friendships with other deeply like-minded and aligned people.
“We feel so energized by being around so many smart and talented, like-minded people.
Hearing everyone’s experiences was great. We are usually pretty reserved and introverted but people felt like family, and it was surreal how quickly people meshed.”
This is what one of our members said after a recent Total Access event and you will probably feel the same way.
Being a Sovereign Man in today’s world can be lonely, and Total Access gives you the opportunity to join a family of people who share the same life philosophy.
We are extremely honored and grateful to be able to facilitate those relationships.
These events feel like family reunions.
And of course...
Free access to ALL our Products
All of our products are included in your Total Access membership.
This means, you get free access to…
Sovereign Man: Private Investor
(Previously sold for $2,995 per year)
This is our most exclusive product. We stopped selling it years ago and nobody outside of Total Access has been able to purchase it at any price since then.
Inside, we curate and present private investment research for early-stage businesses that have explosive potential. Our opportunities cover a wide range of fields– such as cannabis, AI, developing markets, etc.
One of our portfolio companies went public last year and many of our members made 20 TIMES their money, and in total had over $100 million in gains…
With many members individually earning millions of dollars from that single investment.
The 4th Pillar Investment Service
(Sold separately for $1,995 per year)
Our deep value investment service that helps you buy shares of companies that are selling for less than the cash they have in the bank.
This allows you to generate extraordinary returns while significantly protecting your downside.
Sovereign Man: Confidential
(Sold separately for $995 per year)
The finest offshore intelligence service in the world.
Build a Plan B to ensure you will not only survive, but thrive no matter what happens in the world.
Sovereign Man: Explorer
(Sold separately for $195 per year)
Our starter international diversification blueprint that helps you to implement the three most important strategies.
And every future product that we will launch...
All of these products usually sell for Over $6,000 per year!
With Total Access
You're on my team and I'm on yours
We have an incredibly deep connection and relationship with our members.
And over the years, I have become very good friends with many of them. Some of these relationships have led to interesting, mutually beneficial business and investment opportunities for us.
But being on my team is much more than that.
It means the Sovereign Man team and I will personally watch your back and help you out if you’re ever in a bind.
Such as when one member’s adult son went missing in South East Asia and we were able to leverage our resources in the region to locate him.
Or when one of our members wasn’t getting paid in a business arrangement. It turned out I knew the person he was dealing with and was able to call him up and get the situation resolved quickly.
We even had the solemn privilege of helping a grieving family get their affairs in order after the death of their loved one abroad.
When you’re on my team I’ll be there for you even beyond your lifetime.
How much is a Total Access Membership?
If you were to purchase all of our products separately, it would cost you over $6,000 per year.
On top of that, think of how much you would pay for…
- Access to private investment research that could generate 5x, 10x or even 50x returns
- The opportunity to get a fantastic second passport at an enormous $20,000 - $50,000 discount
- First eligibility to get access to a private bank that has been designed from the ground up to eliminate as many risks as possible
- Boots on the ground events in unique places full of opportunity that you would have never even considered visiting
- An exclusive network of my personal contacts and highly successful, like minded people who you can build wonderful friendships and perhaps even form lucrative business arrangements with
You might be expecting at this point that Total Access is $25,000 per year. That seems to be the going rate for “mastermind” groups.
But Total Access is different.
I’m a customer, too. I buy things, too. And anytime I buy something, I always want to get an absolutely absurd amount of value for my money.
And I like to treat our members the same way I like to be treated– by providing them with incredible value for their hard-earned money.
That's why you can become a Total Access Member for...
$9,995 Today
And just $2,495 per year to renew your membership.
Become a Total Access member risk-free with our 100% Money Back Guarantee.
You will pay $9,995 right now and your Total Access membership will renew automatically every year for just $2,495.
You can cancel the automatic renewal at any time. Simply send us an email to [email protected].
And your membership renewals are also protected by the same 30 day no-questions-asked 100% money back guarantee.
Total Access provides independent research which should not be viewed as investment or tax advice, nor an offer to purchase securities.
And, of course... you're protected by an
Iron-clad Money Back Guarantee
Look, let’s speak to each other frankly— I want to make sure you get a ton of value out of our products, and we’ve designed them exactly to do that.
I’m only interested in your satisfaction.

But if you’re not satisfied with what you purchased, just shoot us a one line email to [email protected] within 30 days of purchase and we’ll issue a refund immediately.
You don’t even need to make a phone call. It’s that simple. And that easy.
Integrity is the most important thing to me. And that’s why we have such a strong, iron-clad refund policy.
Become a Total Access member risk-free with our 100% Money Back Guarantee.